Joan Dea: Non-profits must plan to thrive, not just survive, during this crisis

Non-profits must plan to thrive, not just survive, during this crisis

Non-profits play a vital role in addressing the needs of the most vulnerable. But since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, almost 20 per cent of Ontario non-profits have already closed.

With jobs disappearing, support structures crumbling and isolation inhibiting access to services, now isn’t the time for non-profits to just hunker down. They need to take a page from the most creative businesses to not only survive, but thrive.

During periods of intense economic downturn, disruption accelerates. For smart leaders, constrained resources force a sharper focus on what really matters, and that drives innovation. With start-up thinking, they find creative solutions to existing and new problems. Companies like Salesforce, Google, Workday and Shopify emerged from the last two major downturns and went on to profoundly affect the way we live and work.

Just as companies that innovate can thrive, so can non-profits. KIVA is a breakthrough non-profit that applied business principles to solve a social problem.

Started following the economic downturn in the early 2000s by Paypal and TiVo alumni, it is a person-to-person lending platform that connects internet users with low income entrepreneurs in developing countries. Since 2005 $1.4 billion (U.S.) in loans have been granted to 3.6 million microentrepreneurs in 76 countries.

Like KIVA, other non-profits can magnify their impact by adopting entrepreneurial business practices.

Focus on impact. During a crisis focus is naturally on survival. Everything feels like an existential question when funders pause or retreat altogether.

Rather than let scarce resources drive panic or paralysis, the most successful organizations adjust their focus on what matters most. They balance what is urgent with what is strategically important. Yes, you need to stabilize and manage expenses aggressively. But you also need to keep financial and human resources flowing to the areas of greatest impact.

Up With Women helps recently homeless women build a sustainable pathway out of poverty. In response to the recent loss of a large donation as well as rapidly changing needs of their clients, they streamlined less essential activities to focus resources on launching their first virtual coaching cohort. They made the choices necessary to prioritize the women they serve.

Listen, observe and adapt. The best companies are obsessed with knowing their customers and letting their insights drive product and service development. They speak with their customers regularly and observe them carefully. During a time of upheaval, understanding these changing needs is even more essential. This will enable a non-profit to maintain or even expand its impact, resulting in stronger service in the longer term.

Teach for Canada (TFC) trains and deploys teachers to underserved northern Canadian communities. It pivoted almost overnight to address urgent new needs. For students in less digitally connected communities, TFC teachers developed and distributed student-friendly hard copies of their curriculum to ensure no child is left without learning resources. For the digitally connected, TFC adapted their teacher-training program to be delivered entirely online in a matter of weeks.

Innovate to solve old (and new) problems. A downturn in the economy magnifies and accelerates the very issues non-profits are addressing and vulnerable populations are disproportionately affected. Under stress, non-profits are often reluctant to shift gears. Breaking out of conventional thinking, including exploring technological solutions, offers opportunities for greater impact.

Connected North fosters student engagement and enhanced education outcomes in remote Indigenous communities. In partnership with TakingITGlobal, the program delivers interactive education to classrooms through Cisco’s TelePresence video technology. With schools closed, Connected North made the quick shift to Connected North@Home to ensure the ongoing delivery of live, experiential learning to over 15,000 students across the North.

Partner and collaborate. Partnerships and collaboration – including with private businesses — can drive considerable cost and operating advantages. They also drive organizational focus to expertise that delivers the greatest impact to beneficiaries and customers.

In response to the current crisis,, School Mental Health Ontario and Kids Help Phone launched a COVID-19 Mental Health Resource Hub to provide Canada’s youth with the consolidated support and information they need.

Ultimately, leadership matters most. COVID-19 has exacerbated social issues and created an imperative for non-profit leaders to think out of the box. It will take creativity, courage, and compassion to ensure no Canadian is left behind as this crisis unfolds.

Clarification - May 11, 2020: This article was edited from a previous version to make clear TFC teachers, not the organization, developed and distributed student-friendly hard copies of their curriculum.


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